Communication Solutions

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Email Solutions:

Most small and mid-sized businesses are using email as a primary communication channel with customers, colleagues and suppliers. But many of these companies stop there, missing out on productivity-boosting features like shared calendars, contact information and files.

By offering the world’s most popular business messaging software, Microsoft Exchange Server, BluDATA can significantly raise your team’s efficiency. With the help of MS Exchange server client can stores their company’s email, calendars, address books and files centrally, so they are available 24×7 and can be shared among your team, if you wish. It is the messaging system of choice for most Fortune 500 corporations.

Other Features:

  • People running Exchange as their email server typically use Microsoft Outlook as their email ‘client’. Among many advanced features, this lets them:
  • Securely access email remotely – via the Web or a mobile device like a BlackBerry
  • View colleagues’ up-to-date calendars and schedule meetings
  • Assign and manage company tasks on central ‘to do’ lists
  • Manage contact information of employees and customers and access it anytime.

Telecommunication Solutions:

How well your business manages to communicate is the key to its success. Your choice of telephone system can seriously impact the effectiveness of your organization. BluDATA offers cutting edge telephony solutions which enable you to achieve higher productivity & ROI with less investment

Digital PBX Systems:

BluDATA offers Digital PBX Solutions from Small offices to mid-size enterprises, our experience and technical skill helps our clients to make right decisions.

IP PBX Solutions

BluDATA’s certified team can design & Implement IP telephony solutions from various vendors.

IP PBX stands for Internet Protocol Private Branch Exchange. IP PBX is a telephone system that is aimed at delivery of the information including voice, video, etc over the network. IP PBX has become a real breakthrough in the modern technologies as it allows transferring various types of data. IP PBX is especially useful for business enterprises that need to maintain constant contact with customer and affiliates that may be far away. IP PBX is the way to monitor your business throughout the world.

It’s the ability to make free calls that makes IP PBX so popular today. International phone calls are becoming much cheaper nowadays but the considerable part of expenses that business companies have goes to cover the cost of international and long distance calls. IP PBX offers a cheap telecommunication service that lets you stay connected with people on the other part of the world. Since IP PBX technologies were introduced hundreds of companies have managed to cut down their expenses and have become more profitable.

BluDATA has an excellent and experience team.

BluDATA has an excellent and experience team of professionals from various background and academics. BluDATA is perfectly poised to partner the client’s business to new levels of efficiency, profitability and growth. Our capabilities span both the technology and design domains. We design and deliver industry proven and tested IT Solutions that enable our customers to manage and secure their e-business.